10 Bullet Journal Page Ideas for Your 2019 Bujo.
It’s 2019 and this is going to be your best year yet, especially if you have a bullet journal to help you! Whether you have a list of resolutions or you have selected One Little Word to guide you through 2019, a bujo can help you track all your goals and keep you organized as you set out to rock 2019. There are loads of beautiful bujo layouts and tracker ideas out there, but many take time to draw and most people who don’t meet their goals site lack of time as a contributing factor. Get a jump start on meeting your 2019 goals and instead of wasting time drawing up page layouts, be productive and get these 10 Bullet Journal Printables Your Bujo Needs for 2019!
If you are really looking to knock the socks off of 2019 while effectively managing your time, we have the perfect solution! Our Whole Shop Bullet Journal Bundle includes all of the bullet journal printables below PLUS an additional 43 bullet journal printables for more than 80 pages of bullet journal goodness! Subscribe to our newsletter and get a coupon for 35% off your first order.
10 Bullet Journal Printables Your Bujo Needs for 2019
1. Printable 52 Week Money Saving Challenge

Who doesn’t want to save more money? How about $1000? It’s possible and if you take the 52 Week Challenge you can have $1000 put back by this time next year. This money-saving bullet journal printable is a steal!
2. Weekly Menu Planner Bullet Journal Printable
Meal planning can be an effective tool when trying to save money or lose weight. It’s also great for saving your sanity on busy nights and our Weekly Menu Planner is designed to help you plan out breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the whole week!
3. Savings Thermometer Printable
Are you planning a big vacation? Saving for a new car? Budgeting for your upcoming wedding? This Savings Thermometer offers a great visual to help you see at-a-glance how much progress you have made toward your goal.
4. Travel Bucket List Printable
If you’ve been following the Bucket List Family on Insta or binge-watching Parts Unknown, Stephen Fry in America, or Planet Earth on Netflix, you’ve likely got a LONG mental list of places you’d love to visit. Put that bucket list to paper with our printable Travel Bucket List and start taking steps to make that bucket list happen!
5. Bullet Journal Bill Tracker
It would be convenient if all the bills came due on the same day. Sadly the electric company doesn’t care when your credit card is due and they don’t care when rent is due. Making sure you pay everything on time will save you money and a headache. Download the Bill Tracker and organize all your due dates in one place!
6. Social Media Follower Tracker
The purpose of social media is to be social, right? As you grow your channel to new heights in 2019, keep track of your following with this Follower Tracker and feel like a star!
7. Level 10 Life Bullet Journal Printables Bundle
As you embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation toward a better you, these fun Level 10 Life bullet journal printables will help you track your progress. This printable includes 5 fun shapes and 3 goal pages to help you live a Level 10 Life!
8. Bullet Journal Savings Jar
It doesn’t matter if it’s a parfait, a collection of paperclips, or your grandma’s secret recipe canned green beans, things just look better in a Mason jar! This super cute Mason Jar shaped savings tracker will inspire you to start saving and keep saving all year long!
9. Anxiety Bullet Journal Printables
Even when we think we have it all together, sometimes anxiety can get the best of us. We’ve all experienced it at different levels. Acknowledging your anxiety triggers and setting up tasks to work through your anxiety can make those rough patches more manageable. Download these 6 Anxiety Bullet Journal Printables to help you track and manage all your worries in 2019.
10. Month and Day At a Glance Printables
A well-organized life comes down to properly managing your schedule and making sure that everything gets done when it needs to. This Month and Day At a Glance Bundle will help you keep everything scheduled.
2019 is already ticking away but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to take control and make this the year you keep all of your resolutions. Your bujo doesn’t have to be just another task in your day. These bullet journal printables can simplify your life, keep you organized, and help you make 2019 a great year!
What’s your biggest goal for 2019 and which of these bullet journal printables will help you reach that goal? Tell us in the comments!