1 food journal printable + 2 meal planner printables (daily + weekly) for bullet journals and other planners. Use these food diary printables to plan your meals and track your calories, carbs, protein, and fat!
These food journal + menu planner journal inserts come in 4 sizes in order to perfectly fit your bullet journal or other planner- A4, A5, letter, and half letter. Each size comes with two versions included- with and without a 5 mm dot grid, making these perfect for all kinds of planners and binders! Sunday + Monday start versions are included for the weekly meal planner.
Food journal tip- break each meal down for each line of the journal. For example, don't try to make one line for "spaghetti with meat sauce." Make one line for spaghetti (the pasta) and one for meat sauce. This will better help you see where your calories are coming from, and help you to make better food choices (maybe you'll want to look for a lower carb pasta, for example).
★ Really want to be healthy? You need our Health and Fitness Planner Bundle!
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▶ YOUR PURCHASE INCLUDES: 1 food journal + 1 daily meal planner + 1 weekly meal planner printable (Sunday + Monday start) in the following formats:
- letter size (8.5 x 11") PDF printables
- half letter size (5.5 x 8.5") PDF printables (arranged with 2 copies of the printable on an 11 x 8.5" page, with a handy cut guide line in the middle)
- A4 (8.3 x 11.7") PDF printables
- A5 (5.8 x 8.3") PDF printables
License: Personal Use Only